Our first heartbeat generates sound

In the first third of pregnancy, the organs develop. From the 5th week of pregnancy, the heart begins to beat. And even the first heartbeat produces sound.

"There is no such thing as a complete absence of sound".

We can control sight - but not hearing. Hearing is a sense that is supposed to warn us and protect us from danger. Even in the womb, it provides information that we need for orientation in our environment. Even behind our backs we can hear where a sound or danger is coming from. Therefore, for our own protection, we cannot turn off this sense.
Today, we are exposed to entirely new sources of sound. It is no longer fire that threatens us. Air conditioners, for example, emit similarly high-pitched sounds and burden our perception. 

"SilentFiber acoustic panels help reduce unwanted sound"

Sound is absorbed in the SilentFiber acoustic panels. They help to reduce the sound in a room and reduce the new load for you. So you can sleep like a baby, calm and relaxed...

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